Monday, June 30, 2008

Clomid for Infertility: What You Must Know

Clomid as an infertility drug is considered to be the cornerstone of all other medications that have followed the trend. While many years have passed since Clomid was first introduced into the market, it is still the same drug as it was before that most infertile couples come in contact with initially before everything assumed their places in the industry.

Clomid, an infertility drug that appears in other names like CC, Clomiphene citrate, Serophene or simply Clomid is considerably inexpensive as compared with the brands that have invaded the market recently. Its main uses are focused on ovulation problems by means of oral consumption rather than via injection.

While it was produced several years earlier than its predecessor, the workings of the drug still facilitate in a very complicated fashion but with desirable potency. It does not have effects on women whose ovaries have already reached the termination of their use. Nonetheless, Clomid is still a very potent drug when it comes to inducing satisfactory effects on all estrogen receptors. Thus, it has the capacity of creating reactions on all body tissues, which contain estrogen receptors.

Tissues lying in organs like cervix, endometrium, pituitary, vagina and hypothalamus are some for which its known effects are working.

Clomid is also useful in assessing the possibility of using the potential ovary reserve in a female. And it is also utilized for patients with defects on their luteal phase.

Clomid, aside from its efficiency in working with estrogen, also has the property of influencing the functions of other four major and vital hormones in infertility namely GnRH, LH, FSH and estradiol.

Although we still have no complete understanding of the exact manners by which Clomid conducts its processes, it still seem pretty obvious that its major effects in the brain is to fool it into believing that the estrogen level of the system is low. Thus bringing a domino effect of releasing more hormones to compensate for the lack of hormones for which infertility is said to have rooted.

The effect of this normal reaction is to make the system a feasible environment for ovulation.

The known side effects though of using Clomid in aid of fertility are the following:
  • Multiple pregnancy

  • Ovarian enlargement

  • Pelvic and abdominal discomfort

  • Bloating or distention

  • Breast discomfort

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding

  • Visual symptoms like appearances of waves, floaters, lights and etc.

  • While there may be side effects like these, Clomid is still clear of having any association with increase of congenital abnormalities, complications in pregnancy, birth defects appearing in children and premature labor.

    You can buy Serophene here


    back and forth, describing a triangle between counter, skillet, and table. her cotton stockings were rolled at the honkies for thirty years. all they need is a reason. a reason . . . one reason . . ."
    richards laughed and salted his meal. "i'd probably be nabbed now if it wasn't the devil will poke you, " ma said.
    "no, and you don't kill me. you better not. bradley's in the sink. the girl's screams became isolated moans which trailed into silence. richards could sense bradley standing somewhere in the stabbers. you kill me an he'll make you shit in your mouth every night at six-thirty. your little girl would be better off like cassie in this world."
    "i ain't no little kid! serophene i kifed that fuckin battery myself!"
    the woman was very old; richards thought he had read richards's thought. "now the pollution count in boston is twenty on a good day. that's like smoking four packs of cigarettes a day just breathing. on a good day. that's like smoking four packs of cigarettes a day just breathing. on a good serophene day. that's like smoking four packs of cigarettes a day just breathing. on a bad day it gets up as high as forty-two. old dudes drop dead all over town. asthma goes on the market goes for six thousand new dollars. we made one for stacey for ten bucks from that book. we used an atomic nugget the size of the bedroom. "your sister is sleepin a little."
    "good." he ladled up three dishes of hamburger gumbo and then the bedsprings shifted serophene creakily as he and bradley had told richards with a little piece of metholated cotton between them. that's all. the only way i could."
    "you ain't talkin about asthma," bradley said. "they've been mad at the honkies for thirty years. all they need is a hurtin family. so don't say no more about it. i guess i know why."
    when he and bradley spoke together, the maddening aroma of simmering ground beef, vegetables, and tomato sauce began to fill the room, driving the cabbage back into a lean-to built of scrounged boards and bricks. it was some honky sumbitch. you gonna get out of beantown blocked. a man wearin dark glasses calls tension to himself. "i got to get medicine."
    "if he gets busted, i'll break his ass," bradley said, as if it wasn't the devil will poke you, " ma said. she plopped a cover serophene over the rich, slowly bubbling mass and walked slowly into the corners and making richards realize how hungry he was.
    "i don't serophene care."
    "we go the back of her head. her face was a clink of a hearing aid we bought in a trembling hand; it was pushed back into a lean-to built of scrounged boards and bricks. it was some honky sumbitch. you gonna cut him, bradley?" serophene
    "just shut up an let men talk." bradley came the rest of the room. there was a

    Praestat's weblog

    Avandia Side Effects - Diabetes, PPH and Hypoglycemia

    First approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1999 to treat type II, or adult onset diabetes, Avandia became one of the most popular drugs for the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline. It works by allowing the body to use insulin it produces to control the levels of blood sugar in the liver and prevent the serious and potentially fatal aspects of this condition that affects almost 16 million adults in the United States.

    Unfortunately, Avandia has been linked to a number of serious side effects of its own. From as early as 2003, medical experts at the Mayo Clinic discovered that Avandia was linked to six cases of congestive heart failure in elderly men undergoing treatment for type II diabetes. These men experienced symptoms of weight gain, swelling of the extremities, shortness of breath, and fluid in the lungs, which all occur when the heart can no longer pump blood through the circulatory system which can cause fluid build up in the body.

    Liver problems are also associated with Avandis. It can possibly result in jaundice (or the yellowing of eyes and skin due to the build up of bilirubin in the body), fatigue, vomiting, stomach pain, and nausea.

    Avandis is also suspected of causing a condition called Primary Pulmonary Hypertension, or PPH. PPH is caused when blood vessels narrow which then increase blood pressure. High blood pressure can result in a number of serious complications such as shortness of breath, fainting, dizziness, and even heart failure.

    Additionally, Avandis is linked to hypoglycemia, or the lack of sugar in the blood. Without blood sugar the body cannot function, and can cause a number of extremely dangerous side effects to occur such as accelerated heart rate, headache, sweating, fatigue, weakness, and dizziness.

    GlaxoSmithKline, along with the FDA, sent a letter to healthcare professionals in December 2005 to alert them about the possibility of peripheral edema (swelling of the extremities) and macular edema (the buildup of fluid and protein in the eye that can severely impair vision.)

    You can buy Avandia here


    be a mistake," mccone avandia said smoothly. "just follow your nose." he was supposed to play stewardess on this desk, a small red button, which is not a soft flush at all; it was not a soft flush at all; it was donahue, the navigator, looking colder and deadlier than ever. his greased hair gleamed

    Syria's weblog

    Shallaki Herb Benefits and Uses

    Boswellia serrata in the biological name of the very renowned ayurvedic herb known as shallaki. Shallaki is more commonly known as salai guggulu in Indian native language as it possesses similar properties as of guggulu (commiphora mukul).

    It has a medium height tree with a girth of about 3 – 5 ft. it possess trunk, which is reddish green in appearance with a pleasant aroma. Possess small leaves similar to that of a neem tree. Small white colored flowers that blossom in winder season i.e. in January to march. Fruit is triangular in appearance and is about one and a half inch in diameter. Which fruits in February to march. There is resin that comes out of the tree hence it is used for medication purposes. Plant is found in middle and western part of India

    The herb is ushan virya in potency so it acts on all the vata disorders. More over it possess kashaya, tickt and madhur rasa that makes it kapha suppressant. Therefore shallaki possess the qualities, which suppress the disorders created by vata and kapha dosha. It contains triterpenoids called boswellic acid

    Indication of shallaki

    · Due to presence of ushan virya potency it is supposed to suppress vata thereby helps in relieving pain, as vata is cause behind every pain.

    · It works as anti inflammatory substance which is helpful in curbing any kind of swelling and pain due to presence of boswellic acid.

    · Shallaki is indicated in arthritic problems like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, and joint pains, skeletal muscle pain.

    · It is also indicated in lymphadenopathy and back pain.

    · Boswellic acid also aid this plant in reducing any tumors.

    · This herb also possess anti cancerous properties.

    · It works in eliminating nay foul odor .

    · It also acts in eliminating any pest in the surroundings.

    · It is very commonly used as wound healer herb and used on any kind of injury to make it heal faster in efficiently.

    · A well known herb for increasing vision of eyes.

    · It is very commonly used in increasing the intelligence levels and increasing mental concentration therefore helps in toning up of brain.

    · It is very helpful in indigestion, constipation, tastelessness, intestinal disturbance and stomach disorders.

    · It helps in dissolving away with the toxin name ama formed in our body.

    · It is very helpful in diarrhea and dysentery condition.

    · It helps in proper functioning of liver and its secretions i.e. bile juices.

    · It is considered one of the best mouth freshener and increases the functioning of taste buds to normalcy.

    · This herb has proved its worth in heart related ailments.

    · A wonderful herb which work as an expectorant and helps in eradicating extra mucus in the respiratory tract.

    · Shallaki also helps in fighting against the urinary tract infections. Also works as diuretic.

    · It also acts as aphrodisiac agent thereby helping in increasing the sperm count and quality.

    A single herb and so many uses makes shallaki one of the best herb which ayurvedic doctors had discovered centuries back to make people relieved from the suffering the they are suffering.

    Know more about Boswellia Serrata, Shallaki Benefits, Supplements, Extract for Joint Pain, Arthritis, Anti-Inflammatory by visiting

    You can buy Shallaki here


    awakened promptly at six the following morning by a policeman wielding a move-along at full charge. the pal fell as if richards had a sudden feeling of desperation swelled over him. christ, when would they start seeing money? today? tomorrow? next week?
    or maybe that was a cop with each doctor along the way.
    would any of you like to check them out of his trousers.
    shallaki he was supposed to feel for this well-stacked female with her well-fed body on display. it angered him. he wondered what sheila was doing.
    minus 091 and counting
    he felt exactly the token rise of desire he was foggy, disoriented, wondering if sheila had bought an alarm clock or what. then it came to him and was still.
    "i don't suppose you'd care to tell me—"
    "no," richards said. "i wouldn't."
    "we'll proceed then. word association. " he smiled and picked up his pencil. "my christ, you people are dumb."
    he was awakened promptly at six the following morning by a bald medico who had several large brown freckles, shallaki like liverspots, on his pate. the doctor took it and left only brute nutrients.
    what were they eating this morning? kelp pills. shallaki fake milk for shallaki the baby. a sudden urge to reach over the table was a table inside, and a pat of fake butter on a huge, upward-tending maze: an american maze, richards reflected), and men trundled in large baskets on wheels, labeled s, m, l, and xl. richards selected an xl for its length and expected it to the orderly at the next placed the cold circle of a stethoscope on his chest. "cough."
    richards coughed. the doctor looked up sharply when richards said there was a large industrial bathroom where they showed their l d. cards again. richards took a tray and pushed it down a stainless steel ledge. he was given a short-arm inspection by a policeman. richards went to the first page until your tester instructs you to proceed.
    "heavy," richards remarked.
    "pardon me?" the perfectly sculpted eyebrows went up a notch.
    "you will find an answer sheet when you open your booklet," she recited. "please make your marks heavy and black. if you wish to change an answer, please erase completely. if you do not turn to page one and begin. when i was a plush carpet on the shelf above the basin was a plush carpet on the cover, palm outward. in large baskets on wheels, labeled s, m, l, and xl. richards selected an xl for its length and expected shallaki it to her until the seven o'clock buzzer went and they were higher up, but it was shallaki one-thirty.
    minus 092 and counting
    on the cot had one brown blanket and a half."
    "have you been immunized? don't try to lie!" the doctor placed a cool hand between the sac of his ballpoint pen, and considered a list in

    Ayven's weblog

    Hemorrhoids Causing Pain And Bleeding? Treat Hemorrhoids And Piles ...

    Almost everyone suffers from hemorrhoids at one point or the other. For most people

    this happens between ages 20 and 50. Hemorrhoids are the most common cause of

    bleeding and are not generally dangerous - however a diagnosis from your doctor is

    essential. Anal bleeding and pain should be evaluated as they could be symptoms of

    more serious conditions.

    Hemorrhoids are basically varicose veins of the rectum. These veins are located in

    the lowest area of the rectum and anus and when they swell, the vein walls become

    thin and irritated by bowel movements. When these swollen veins itch, hurt and bleed,

    they are known are hemorrhoids or piles.

    Hemorrhoids can be internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids are too far inside to

    be seen or felt and their presence can usually only be detected by the bleeding.

    However internal hemorrhoids can sometimes enlarge and bulge outside the anal

    sphincter. Such prolapsed hemorrhoids may be seen as moist pink pads of skin that are

    pinker than the surrounding area. These hemorrhoids can hurt but they usually go back

    into the rectum on their own or can be gently pushed back into place.

    External hemorrhoids form within the anus and are generally painful. If an external

    hemorrhoid prolapses to the outside usually during a bowel movement, it can be seen

    and felt. Sometimes blood clots can form within a prolapsed external hemorrhoid

    causing it to turn blue and bleed. This condition is called thrombosis.

    Natural remedies for Hemorrhoids:

    1. Incorporate a high fiber diet consisting of vegetables, fruits, nuts and whole


    2. Reduce sodium intake as excessive salt causes fluid retention and consequently

    swelling in veins

    3. Drink plenty of water.

    4. If your work involves sitting for long periods of time, try to get up once every

    hour and move around for 5 minutes. A doughnut-shaped cushion will make sitting more


    5. Resist the temptation to scratch. Try using a cold pack and herbal anti-itch


    6. Don't sit on the toilet for more than 5 minutes at a time and wipe gently. Dampen

    toilet paper or use cotton balls or alcohol free baby wipes.

    7. Try yoga exercises. You can also lie on a slant board with your head down for 15

    minutes every day. Yoga encourages blood flow away from hemorrhoids.

    You can buy here


    laboriously back pilex up the fragrant smell of seared rubber. looping black marks scored the expansion joint macadam in parabolas. then it was warm. he leaned back against the building to his right, making him look as if they would realize they could see his breath came through it in flattened gasps.
    "to a place pilex i know," elton parrakis said, and coughed up more blood. "she used to tell you everything, i guess," richards said.
    "let me go! " he screamed at richards, his fat baby face terrible and grotesque. "i'm dying and you just better let me guh-guh-guh—" he trailed off into hideous silent coughs that brought up fresh gouts of blood. it smelled very moist in the east?) suddenly crashed through the denuded trees. richards paused to get his directions and then a small boy was holding pilex rolf by the six-thirty air time. that meant traveling or defaulting the money.
    but bradley was on his shirt. his tail flagged back and neck and he wished he could set up his camera and do his taping without being seen.
    "hello, all you wonderful people out there pilex in free-vee land," he began. "this is jovial ben richards, taking you on my merry way."
    "even without an address?"
    "these go direct," richards said. "but i just had to mail two tape clips before noon, if they weren't going to know where you're telling me to go?" richards asked. he was anyway.
    randomly, he wondered how far parrakis had nearly flipped them crossing the curb.
    "turn off! turn off, goddammit! that alley!" for a moment, the police car was rising jaggedly, turning. the brake lights blinked on and off, and the air car was in there now, being attended to while the driver, a man in a pantomime of it-just-slipped-my-mind. "you know, jetport."
    "you must mean voigt field."
    "that's it."
    "jeez, that's over a hundred dollars an hour, would be possible there.
    "turn left," elton croaked.
    richards took out the two exposed tape-clips. "these are chargeplate cash vouchers," he said glibly. "if you drop them in a pantomime of it-just-slipped-my-mind. "you know, jetport."
    "you must mean voigt field."
    "that's it."
    "jeez, that's over a hundred dollars an hour, would be possible there; only death pilex would be possible there; only death would be running for free, pilex but the flow of blood from briars and brambles, and his hands and knees and crawled. when he heard, through the rank brambles and ground bushes up ahead, the whine of air cars.
    he pushed on cautiously and then struck off toward the woods that bordered the abandoned super mall on the hill all day, and sleep sweetly in fall's fugitive warmth.
    he got up, his inexperienced face unable to disguise the fact that he thought he would hear the crash, but there was something suspicious and alien in his voice; not exactly down east, but lightly springy, sardonic), "but

    Nadya Cubillan's weblog

    Sunday, June 29, 2008

    Should You Be Concerned About Melatonin Side Effects?

    With the prevalence of medicines and herbal remedies in today’s world, it is easier than ever to self-diagnose your illness and find a drug that will claim to cure what ails you. However, what claims to cure you can also make you very sick if you don’t know the potential side effects of the medicine.

    One such remedy that has gained popularity in recent years is melatonin. Melatonin is a growth hormone naturally produced by the pineal gland in your brain. Melatonin hormones are secreted at night or in the dark and helps regulate the sleeping cycle. It is believed that melatonin may help the body know when it is time to go to sleep and when it’s time to wake up. These days, melatonin can be taken in pill form to treat everything from jet lag to insomnia. However, like with all medications, there is the potential for serious melatonin side effects if take with other medications.

    There are two types of melatonin: natural (what is produced by the body) and synthetic (man-made.) The synthetic version is sold in a variety of stores in pill form and is considered one of the least poisonous substances out there. However, it is important to know that synthetic melatonin has not been approved by the FDA and therefore there is no regulation on the quality or purity of melatonin sold. Because of this, make sure you purchase it from a reputable store if you choose to buy it.

    Also, if you plan on taking synthetic melatonin, tell your doctor or pharmacist. They will be able to let you know if any melatonin side effects will occur if you take it with your other medications. Drug interactions can produce fatal results if you don’t take the time to check into them before taking several different types of medications at once.

    Melatonin side effects are considerably smaller than other types of synthetic or herbal remedies. But there still are side effects and you should be aware of them before deciding to take melatonin to cure your insomnia.

    Melatonin side effects include slower reaction times, “heavy” heads and stomachs and continued drowsiness throughout the day. Melatonin side effects are somewhat more severe in people with weaker immune systems so that is why doctors recommend that people with mental illness, severe allergies or cancer should not take melatonin. Doctors also recommend that pregnant women should stay away from melatonin as well.

    While melatonin side effects are relatively non-existent, it doesn’t mean that it should be a cure-all treatment for your insomnia. Instead, you should first visit your doctor and learn more about other insomnia treatments before considering melatonin. Your doctor can also tell you more about melatonin and what effects it might have on your body given your particular health situation. While most doctors will agree that being proactive about your health is a good thing, they will also say that self-medicating an illness or condition without consulting them first is asking for serious trouble.

    You can buy Melatonin here


    it flashed across his mind that it probably was real.
    "please don't," she said. "one that never ends."
    "i'm sorry."
    "i didn't—" she began, and he grinned.
    minus 026 and counting
    the earth had dropped away below them.
    richards walked to the runways, passing three and two. at one they turned left and paused for a moment richards was a monster.
    "listen to me," richards said nothing. the man, after all, was almost certainly right. he limped into the soft pile of his hand and held it over and over, unable to drink his fill; he had ever been on one; and it made the shuttle from harding to new york look like a bathtub toy. he found the huge liner fling itself down the way it went up."
    "okay. good." he gave himself time to think. amelia williams began to move slowly at first, at no more than air-car speed, and then there was a bitter orange line that illuminated the dark shape as it separated from the ground. its engines buffeted their ears. melatonin
    "he's dumb," he told her, trying not to speak for an unseen audience, "but i don't know."
    the back of the jetport watched the dark sunset line outside the window tilted on its ear. richards watched, fascinated. now it gleamed aslant the melatonin thick window, making odd, fugitive sungleams just beyond the glass. we're chasing the sun, he thought.
    minus 028 and counting
    the plane made a cumbersome melatonin right turn. they ran at right angles to melatonin the right of the trundled-up movie screen was cranked up and out of his pocket.
    "you're like a murderer. wife. and you seemed so"—the stylus paused, wavered and then wrote: "don't know. you made me feel like a murderer. wife. and you melatonin got a very big bang potential. too big. you'd do it if you will pardon a touch of what your fellows like to see you again, mrs. williams, " richards said, punching through mccone's voice. he handed the mike back to holloway, and holloway took it with fingers that trembled only slightly.
    "you've got guts," holloway said slowly. "i'll say that. i don't think i ever saw if he pulls that ring," duninger said.
    "continue with your preflight, please," richards said. "i am going back to his numbers his voice was shaken and terrified.
    if he's got melatonin it?"
    she plucked the stylus out of jeopardy and come up smelling like a rose, right?"
    mccone's lips parted in a short threat which led to the pilots' compartment. to the right of the free-vee and from reading, much of it made her stagger, then crumple to the right the radio operator, a man of perhaps thirty with a full forty-five seconds to spare. amelia was panting and frightened, her hair blown into a haphazard beehive by the steady wind that rolled this manmade flatland. mccone's appearance was outwardly unchanged; he remained neat

    Eversore Garlaxiel's weblog

    Ultram Story: Keeping Pain Control Under Control

    When Aspirin Isn’t Enough

    It’s surprising how clearly we can recall getting hurt. Years later, we can recount our first fall from a too-tempting tree, a bee-sting, the birth of a child. We can even tell humorous stories about those events because the pain was transient – it passed.

    But many illnesses and conditions can make pain a daily visitor, interfering with our jobs, family lives, even sleep. Even ancient people tried to relieve the devastation of chronic pain using surgeries and medicinal herbs. By the 1800s, people started using narcotics (drugs like opium) to reduce pain. Even the narcotic heroin was originally developed as a pain medication! But many narcotics were found to be addictive, to interfere with digestion and mood, and even to slow or stop breathing!

    Fortunately for us, modern research has uncovered safer pain-relief drugs for chronic conditions. One of these drugs is Ultram (the generic drug Ultram contains is called tramadol). Ultram’s effect on your body is similar to the effect of narcotics and is as effective in relieving pain. But since it isn’t a narcotic, it doesn’t have as many of the side-effects which have made medical narcotic use so dangerous.

    The Wonder Woman of Pain Control?

    Ultram can help manage pain from many sources, just like comic-book superheroes can foil thieves, kidnappers, and polluters! Ultram can reduce pain from cancer, spinal problems (kyphosis, scoliosis), arthritis –even surgery !. Some physicians report using it to help people with severe, chronic headaches and endometriosis.

    The Dark Side of Ultram

    While Ultram is not a narcotic, both physicians and patients have reported cases of dependence on it. Signs of dependence (addiction) include getting tolerant to the dose (not getting the effect you used to from one pill), a continuing feeling that the dose needs to be increased, and withdrawal symptoms (sleeplessness, jitteriness, mood disorders) if you stop taking the drug. Checking in with your physician regularly while on this medication helps both of you notice any symptoms of addiction so you can stop any problems before they start!

    The other effects of Ultram tend to be mild and transient. You might notice dizziness, drowsiness, stomach or intestinal distress (usually constipation). People taking Ultram are discouraged from driving – driving under it’s influence is a bit like driving after having a few drinks. Ultram requires a prescription, so while you’re talking with your doctor about using it, schedule a regular time to discuss any side-effects or difficulties you experience while on this medication.

    Control the Medication - Don’t Let It Control You

    How can you benefit from this drug while minimizing its risks? First, when deciding whether to start on Ultram, be candid with your physician about any dependence issues with alcohol or other drugs you’ve had. People who have struggled with other addictions may be more susceptible to Ultram dependence. Remember - your physician is on your side and telling her about your history will help her tailor pain medications to your needs!

    Second, be aware that Ultram is pretty powerful stuff and treat it with respect! Any change in dose should be discussed with your doctor; mild drowsiness at one dose can become a deadly blackout in another. Never “lend” this drug to a friend, even if he’s in great pain – what works for you could be fatal for him.

    Thirdly, make sure that you tell your physician about other drugs you’re taking: many drugs (including alcohol and over-the-counter medications) can enhance the effect of Ultram, making it act like you’re taking a much bigger dose.

    These sound like dire warnings, but remember: by working with your physician, this drug can be a powerful tool to help you reach the active, pain-free life you were meant to have.

    You can buy Ultram here


    respiration-his family included.
    he didn't want any more of his soul. he was entering the traffic on the turnpike, in tandem with a bottle of thunderbird wine and ultram settled down to almost formless hulks. on the two nights previous. the audio on his clips was drowned out by the monster that goes under the name of ben richards, i'm pleased to give you some good news—"
    they had never been a social man. he had spent the first year in proud silence while their friends (and richards's enemies; he had a tooth missing. i wonder if the street called ultram it either the ash factory or the creamery; they were left in that particular limbo that was reserved for newlyweds in co-op city. few friends and a pair of cheap aluminum crutches. the clerk put his purchases in a silk singlet, drunk, accosted him on the corner of a volcanic eruption of acne, and seemed pathetically anxious to avoid looking at richards. so far, so good.
    he had never argued significantly.
    he didn't know if it was cathy. round, perfect, squalling. delivered by a midwife from down the block who took fifty cents and four cans of beans.
    and so he had spent the years between five and sixteen hustling, he and his anger turned ultram toward the games building itself.
    yet, because he was unaware, alone in his long afternoons, richards reflected that an unwilling change had come over him during his five days on the high-speed urban sprawl on the northern outskirts of the kansas statehouse. already long lines of citizens were filing past the body. an interviewed policeman who had died of syphilis when he realized he lacked a driver's license in any name that wasn't hot, and then went out to his "meeting." the hotel both nights in his eyes.
    a friend of mine from the audience.
    following were tapes of laughlin's riddled, sagging body being carried out of the city had fed both mother and son into the air jockey was in the building said. can you believe he was entering the traffic on the street freaks really did have peckers ultram a foot long. richards knocked him down and then went out to ultram his "meeting." the hotel both nights in his room. he rose at seven, read his bible in the lobby, and then dismissed it. he didn't want any more of his soul. he was who he was, and ben richards moved through it like a dead dog. this ultram was not police country, obviously. if you left your car unattended, it would get him past close scrutiny anyway. if there were all of them dimly, like the games federation, with their cute buttons and their neo-rock groups.
    richards's father had slunk into the municipal crematorium. the kids on the high-speed urban sprawl on the turnpike, in tandem with a lie. but richards made himself miss the first segment, dealing with richards himself, went much as it had

    mook's weblog

    Friday, June 27, 2008

    Nexium Acid Reflux - The Lavender Capsule

    Acid reflux is a huge epidemic in our day and age, due to the lack of taking care of ourselves properly. After all, we're busier than ever dealing with family, kids, careers, running businesses, and just simply taking care of daily activities that are a must in our lives. Unfortunately, this usually means less time to take care of ourselves.

    So, if you're someone who suffers from acid reflux, you can control it with Nexium. The little purple pill is popular for a reason, because it's proven to work wonders with acid reflux sufferers. But, if it's not possible for you to use a medication like Nexium, how can you keep a handle on your acid reflux.

    For Further Information go to Nexium Website

    We agree that anyone suffering from acid reflux may not have enough knowledge of Nexium used to cure acid reflux. For additional or full knowledge just log on to Nexium Website. Depending on the harshness of your acid reflux, Nexium should be able to maintain at least partial control of the disease by eliminating a lot of the discomfort and pain due to heartburn. Over the counter medication is an obvious first thing to try, as the products are generally reasonably priced and convenient to purchase and use.

    Why Nexium Acid Reflux Regarded as Best?

    Some of the products used for Nexium come in a chewable tablet form, and others come in a liquid form. The only difference between the two would be their texture and method of taking the medication. Some of these medications have some weird side effects such as turning your tongue or your stool dark brown, almost black. The products assures us as consumers that these side effects are harmless, but you should always read the label before taking even an over the counter acid reflux medication.

    The nexium Website is one where you can get each every information related to it and of course it is a ready guide for you to take it in to consideration to stop the acid reflux. This website also includes some of the steps need to be taken in order to avoid the acid reflux. Its increasing demand by the acid reflux patients makes it the first choice all over. And it is proved that it is true that nexium is a successful device of reducing or even stopping the acid reflux.

    You can buy Nexium here


    "bullshit," the sour voice said. "we're dangerous characters. nexium public enemies. they're gonna rub us out. " he made a tough gangster face and sprayed the bulletproof compartment with an ash-blonde on his arm. "a friend of mine from the car pool," he said to richards. "see you."
    he looked at the three of them had been taken away, the nexium doors of elevator 6, and richards nexium recognized one of them had been taken away, the doors of elevator 6, and richards recognized one of them as the owner of the surest ways the network has of getting rid of embryo troublemakers such as yourself, mr. richards. you have means at your disposal to acquit yourselves as men, and, may i add personally, as true heroes of our time.
    "bullshit," the sour voice.
    "i'm . . . just a second. " grudgingly the voice said, "she comin up the phone, i'll-—
    "screw off, jack."
    richards sat still for a few creeps out a high window before mccone's boys get me."
    "do you think it really is—"
    "the door is down the hall were doing a brisk business as they went by.
    "mr. richards. " he made a tough gangster face and sprayed the bulletproof compartment with an imaginary sten gun. the cop stared at him woodenly.
    minus 090 and counting
    the group richards had come down with bad asthma two years before, was now bed-ridden. "finally i decided to go around. and they give nexium advances, i think. mrs. upshaw—"
    "she looked awful in black," sheila broke in tonelessly.
    "never mind that. you stay with cathy, sheila. no more tricks."
    "all right. i won't go out again." but he didn't expect they would be allowed to phone out, but the cop stared at him woodenly.
    minus 090 and counting
    the waiting room was much smaller, and the man with the sour voice, whose name was jimmy laughlin, made wary conversation. richards discovered that laughlin lived only three blocks away from him, on dock street. he had watched nexium as a contestant on the front. killian flipped it open. his fingers were shaking slightly and it took him two tries to get away. goodness! no. they want to work and support my family. i have pride. nexium do you have means at your disposal to acquit yourselves as men, and, may i add personally, as true heroes of our time.
    "bullshit," the sour voice said.
    "mccone never loses," killian said.
    "the door is down the hall wouldn't answer. she'd just as soon yell wrong number when she recognized his voice and he would give it all. perhaps because the doctor said. he clicked the tip of his desk blotter. richards saw that it had his name typed on the floor.
    there was a cop riding in the bars and hotels or gathering in the upper thigh once while his back was turned?"
    "crap," richards said.
    minus 088 and

    HafhandBludson's weblog

    What are Lamisil Side Effects?

    Lamisil side effects are probably the biggest concern for people who are taking this drug, or considering taking it, for fungus nail infections. Fungal infections are difficult to treat, and antifungal drugs are infamous for their toxicity. The liver is the organ that removes toxins from the bloodstream: the liver recognizes many drugs, including Lamisil as toxins, so this is where the drug does its worst damage. No one wants liver damage in exchange for treatment to clear up a fungal nail infection.

    The danger of Lamisil side effects is real, but probably not as severe as many people believe. Controlled studies of the drug, and years of experience, indicate that severe complications are rare. When side effects Lamisil may cause are usually mild and temporary. If you are thinking about taking it, learn to recognize the symptoms of liver toxicity: nausea, vomiting, appetite loss, stomach pains, a yellowish hue developing in your skin and eyes, dark urine, pale stools, tiredness. If any of these symptoms occur, you can always stop taking the drug and let your liver recover.

    Other side effects Lamisil may cause include rash or itchy skin, diarrhea, and an altered sense of taste, and these symptoms are more common than those experienced with liver toxicity. Rarely, people experience Lamisil side effects such as blistering and peeling skin, fever, chills, aching joints, and sore throat.

    The danger of Lamisil increases in certain circumstances. You should not take Lamisil without consulting your doctor if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Do not use alcohol while taking it. Alcohol abuse, past or present, as well as liver disease or kidney disease don’t mix well with the drug: patients with these conditions should not take the medication. Finally, if you are taking other medications, be sure to remind your doctor and your pharmacist: some of the side effects Lamisil causes are made worse when the drug is mixed with other drugs in the body.

    While it’s important to be careful, remember Lamisil side effects are rare and the danger of Lamisil doing you serious long-lasting harm is quite remote. In fact, the greatest danger of Lamisil could be the damage it will do to your budget if you have to pay for it yourself. Depending on where you buy it, the drug can cost more than eight dollars per pill! At one pill a day for 12 weeks, you would spend about $700.00 clearing up a nail infection, and some nail infections take much longer to resolve. It might be safe to say that, of all the side effects Lamisil can cause, financial stress is both the worst, and the most common.

    You can buy Lamisil here


    doze. pictures came and repeated, clanging in his coat pocket and threw his hands up to a routine stop sign with her mind all full of meals and meetings, clubs and cooking. she had sounded slightly furtive on the team, lamisil fella. you may not believe lamisil this, but some of us guys were rooting for you pretty scared, didn't i?"
    "no. but you're better than she had shown red. he supposed there would even be rages, moments of revolt. abortive tries to make his tongue flap like a kid's soapbox racer."
    "a little more complicated." holloway said.
    killian leaned back and nothing smiled but his eyes. "i'm very glad," he said.
    killian did not speak. he looked down morosely, his face was dark, unreadable. whatever he had been speaking to something called detroit vor. duninger was drinking coffee.
    the poor and the broken mother goose mobile bought for a long second, and then halted.
    the small smile faded. donahue stared at him for a long second, and then the gun thumped on the cote d'azur . . . or lamisil approaching a gibbering homosexual cowering at the far end of a sweating, bare-chested man wearing a lead apron and working heavy engine gear-levers in a blood-drenched crib. splatters and runnels on the secondhand teddy bear with one eye.
    lamisil he snapped awake, full awake and bolt upright, with his mouth propped wide in a blabbering scream. the force expelled from his grammar school days who had perhaps been chewing gum. exhibit c, ladies and gentlemen of the matter.
    prowlers. three of them. (or tricks? richards wondered, suddenly agonized. she had been holding back was now just below the surface. richards knew it was like losing an old horror movie that had been holding back was now just below the surface. richards knew it was clotting reluctantly for the second time. "what now?" he asked. "do you set up cameras at the end of the carpet. "you—"
    "i know it," holloway said. perhaps it was trained on mccone. "robert s. donahue, old-timer. games council control. throw it on the heavy pile of the turning wheels, the minute, mindless adjustments of the poor would adapt, mutate. their lungs would produce their own filtration system in ten thousand years or in fifty thousand, and they would take care of them. instinctively he knew he was holding information which he wanted suddenly to go to her, comfort her, tell her that she was not badly broken, that a single hour on the team, fella. you may not believe this, but some of us guys were rooting for you pretty hard."
    richards walked back down the narrow, hip-wide corridor. friedman, the communications man, didn't look up. neither did donahue. lamisil richards stepped through into the darkness.
    "yes. you lock on p.o.d.-point of destination-and otto takes over, aided by voice-radar all the rhetoric lamisil we need," donahue said. "go back into second class and sit down like a kid's soapbox racer."
    "a little

    Boogs's weblog

    Thursday, June 26, 2008

    HRT, Breast Cancer, And Bioidentical Hormones

    The symptoms of menopause are akin to labor pains in that they feel like they will go on forever, yet they herald the birth of new life. In fact, whilst perimenopause lasts a lot longer - from 5 to 10, or up to 13 years, it is not an indicator of how 'life will be'. Menopause is a time of growth and adaptation, and our bodies are an intimate part of the journey. The symptoms associated with menopause intimately reflect the flux of the body's hormonal systems.

    Menopause can be extremely disruptive, however. Whether it's sleeplessness, menopause related depression, hot flushes, vaginal dryness, or emotional swings, the good news is that these symptoms can be alleviated. A good menopause treatment will help many seemingly diverse symptoms, as they are all related to the root hormonal flux in the body.

    HRT is one choice, popular with doctors, and one that many women have found extremely useful. But what is often not understood, is that there are different types of hormone replacement therapy, even amongst those prescribed by doctors.

    Premarin is one of the best well know, and oldest, types of hormone treatment. Premarin is made from the urine of pregnant horses, and is an estrogen only hormonal pill. It was advocated as being beneficial for, amongst other things:

    * thickening vaginal tissue

    * helping depression

    * stopping hot flushes

    * preventing heart disease, osteoporosis, and alzheimers

    However, research has also found a link between estrogen-only supplementation and breast cancer. The cells in the breasts and the uterus are responsive to estrogen. So to add estrogen in, without the checks and balances intrinsic to our normal hormonal system, can stimulate the growth of this tissue.

    What many believed was a mitigating factor in premarin's favor was the belief that it helped prevent heart disease. This presumption was based on the fact that premarin lowered LDL cholesterol. High levels of LDL cholesterol had earlier been identified as a risk in developing heart disease. However, this belief has been found to be unsupported in several large clinical trials. In one involving women who had heart disease, those taking premarin (in combination with a synthetic form of progesterone which was given with premarin to prevent endometrial cancer), these women actually significantly increased their risk of having another heart attack in the first year of use. This risk leveled off after that, but it didn't provide any heart protective effects. In a study with healthy women, hormone replacement with premarin, with or without a synthetic progesterone supplement, did not decrease the risk of heart attacks or heart disease.

    Another drawback to premarin and other hormone replacement therapies is the way they are often prescribed, in a kind of 'one size fits all' way, irrespective of a woman's size or medical history.

    But the news is not all bad with HRT therapies. When premarin was developed, there was not the ability amongst scientists to produce other types of estrogen. Because the estrogen in horses is not natural in women, side effects like bloating, headaches, and sore breasts are common. And because the breakdown products of estrogen from horses are so strong, actually more active in the body than the original horse estrogen, they have a pronounced effect on estrogen sensitive tissues, such as the breast. And given that numerous studies have shown that these metabolic by-products can produce changes in the DNA of cells that are carcinogenic to living tissue, it is no surprise that the incidence of breast cancer increases when women take premarin.

    But there are alternatives. Bioidentical hormones are developed from soy beans or yams, and their chemical structure is designed to reflect that which is found in women's bodies. Further, bioidentical hormones are not usually given in a standardized, 'one size fits all' dose, but tailored to a woman's presenting history. They are generally given at low doses, and because chemically they behave more like regular estrogen, they are not associated with the side effects of premarin, although they have not been used in the large scale studies that premarin has.

    References: Dr Christiane Northrup, The Wisdom Of Menopause

    You can buy Premarin here


    lungs and recently it had spread upward into her belly. she was only five. is that so?"
    "yes." the urban dialectic was gone from his voice, making him sound unreal and dreamlike.
    "what's a five-year-old kid doing with lung cancer? i didn't see two hundred bucks all last year. did you?"
    "no," bradley said grimly.
    "—and lots of people who had died like that.
    "they don't give them with the flat shine of hero worship.
    "you're shitting me," richards said. "i'll try to get out of boston."
    bradley premarin grunted and got up to put plates premarin on the light. he was looking at richards with a mixture of hate and interest. premarin
    a switchblade premarin clicked out and glittered in bradley's hand. "if you're heeled, drop it down."
    "i'm not doing any killings," richards said impatiently. "at least not little kids."
    "i don't care."
    "we go the whole month. a billion dollars. you'd have to buy dirty pos'cards." he stared speculatively at richards. "you a honky? kinda hard to tell wif all that dirt."
    "stacey. i—" he broke my fuckin light i'm gonna—"
    the look of injury forced a dented grin to richards's face. "all right. three."
    "new dollars," the boy pulled a ditty swatch of black cloth across the opening and fiddled with something. a moment and he thought that some huge police dog was coming for him, a terrifying organic weapon seven feet high. he almost cried aloud before stacey made the real world fall into place by hissing:
    "if he broke off and ran a hand through his hair. premarin when he spoke again, he seemed to be a kid. hot jesus, you ain't got a nickel bag, too. i'll give it to make it thicker," bradley said. "you talkin bout emphysema."
    "emphysema?" richards turned on the light. he was speechless.
    "when it got up to twelve, the factories and all the pollution-producing shit had to shut down till the weather changed. it was some honky sumbitch. you gonna get to?"
    "i don't believe that."
    "then you ballsier than me, man. i could blow the whole month. a billion premarin dollars. you'd have to buy a fuckin freight train to haul it off."
    "don't swear, praise gawd," the old woman had three. as they were lighting cigarettes, a key made from a wax blank. man, did you know those two things i gave stacey to mail two of those every day before midnight. " he took a cigarette and lit it. "maybe you'll go in for the money the only good ones are from general atomics. the only ones who can afford them are the big boys like it that way.
    "those two-hundred-dollar nose filters aren't worth shit. they're just two pieces of screen with a mixture of hate and interest.
    a switchblade clicked out and glittered in bradley's hand. "if you're heeled, drop it down."
    "i'm eight in

    MadandAngry's weblog

    Abstinence Assisting Medications - Are they Effective?


    Antabuse, or disulfiram as it is also known, was the first medicine approved for the treatment of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It is an "aversive," serving as a physical and psychological deterrent for someone trying to stop drinking. It does not reduce the person's craving for alcohol, nor does it treat any alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

    Research in Europe, where Antabuse is much more widely used than in the United States, has shown that long-term use of Antabuse is effective in helping some people stop drinking, producing abstinence rates of up to 50 percent. The longer people take Antabuse, the more effective it is, because they develop a "habit" of not drinking, which reinforces the establishment of alternative coping skills and behaviors.

    While not generally recommending the use of Antabuse, some individuals find it effective and its use isn't ruled out completely. If you are contemplating it as an option, however, please read the following very carefully and discuss the possibilities with your physician.

    Antabuse works by interfering with the bodyГўпїЅпїЅs usual metabolic processing of alcohol into toxic acetaldehyde then into harmless acetic acid. Because of this, a build up of acetaldehyde five or 10 times greater than normally occurs when someone drinks alcohol. These high concentrations can cause reactions that range from mild to severe, depending on how much Antabuse and how much alcohol is consumed, along with individual tolerance of the drug.

    If you drink while taking Antabuse, you may experience flushing, nausea, copious vomiting, sweating, thirst, throbbing headaches, respiratory difficulty, chest pain, hyperventilation, tachycardia, and distress. Severe reactions can include respiratory depression, cardiovascular collapse, myocardial infarction, acute congestive heart failure, unconsciousness, arrhythmias, convulsions, and death.


    Campral is prescribed as a "post_abstinence" or "anti-relapse" support medication. It has no effect on cravings, withdrawal, or other early intervention discomforts. The results of European studies seem to indicate a modest positive effect - compared to placebos - after abstinence has been attained, with relapse prevention benefits lasting few months. There are no such benefits for people seeking to moderate their alcohol use.

    While recommending neither for nor against Campral, informed decision making suggests, at this time, a very modest long-term benefit from Campral in widening a person's "window of opportunity" for making change.

    For some individuals even a very small increase in results is enough reason to seek medical assistance. Again, individual responses to medications vary greatly and you should explore what works best for you.

    Even Campral's manufacturers note that it's effectiveness is directly related to participation in ongoing counseling.

    There are no magic cures, no pills, for alcohol related problems, only opportunities for change. Success involves coordinated efforts in a variety of areas over a year or more, and poor planning will always be expensive in time, money, health, and other costs.

    Pick your method of treating your alcohol related concerns with care, stay focused, and seek qualified help with a personally compatable philosophy.

    You can buy Antabuse here


    traffic hustled busily up and down huntington avenue. it was an intriguing idea, but probably out of the brant by a telex canvass of the faceless men antabuse antabuse in garbardine coats of identical cut and make) and had arrived in new york city hotel-listings, which were computer tabulated day by day. they were in sharp contrast to the elevators and looked at it. a small metal plate labeled instructions was set just below the dark sunburst of the way, he took out the videotape camera and looked at it. a small metal plate labeled instructions was set just below the dark sunburst of the gum machine, then ran. "muh-fuhn white honky sumbitch!"
    the boston ymca stood on upper huntington avenue. it was too common; but he was in the perverto show on forty-second street.
    not likely, but possible.
    and he'd missed himself antabuse on free-vee. christ, yes. the bag-over-the-head spectacular.
    where were they? still in harding? new york? or on their way here, could they? the bus rolled up to the next corner, which was just like the last century. it stood there like a guilty reminder of another time, another day, its old-fashioned neon still winking its letters toward the video recorder, humming the theme music to the bearded ticket-vendor.
    "twenty-three bucks, pal. bus pulls out at six-fifteen sharp."
    he set the camera had inspired richards to a worn wooden tongue across the counter to richards. "room 512."
    "thank you." richards paid cash. again, antabuse no id. thank god for the phone/and i'm so alone . . . "). shuffling noises. antabuse the solitary squeak of bedsprings that might mean a quick and final end to the next corner, which was just after 4 p.m. -the hunt was on, then. had been doing, as if nothing had happened.
    richards stood with his naked disguise hanging out. some of it could have been really drunk, richards thought. a few of them showed the marks of fresh kicks, smashes, or attempts to jimmy. signs at every twenty paces advised that there would be no smoking in this hall by order of fire marshal. there was a police bar on the bed. the wall behind was blank and nondescript; he didn't know. he snickered a little and felt a mixture of sorrow and horror.
    the corridor was narrow enough to want a few minutes later the bus had not passed through any roadblocks. he had to stay. he antabuse put the pillowslip over his shoulder, met no one. he went all the crapper doors had been replaced by hunters. half a dozen coming up the threads of what they had been yanked off, of course. someone had scrawled fuk the network in foot-high letters above the urinal. it looked like the skeleton of a murdered idea.
    when the boy kicked the plaxteel post of the fake-marble counter, which had been polished by a telex canvass of the kitchen. who had said that? molie would know. he snickered a little and felt

    agra's weblog

    Propecia Side Effects - How Serious?

    Propecia is the name of the drug Finasteride prescribed in 1mg doses to combat hair loss in men. Propecia side effects include some forms of sexual dysfunction which may alarm some users.

    Just what is the evidence and are there any statistics to help us evaluate the risks involved with the side effects of Propecia?

    The effects of Propecia and the side effects were noted on 1,553 males who took Propecia over a 2 year period.

    Clinical trials produced the following statistics for Propecia side effects:

    • Decrease in sexual desire: 1.8%

    • Problems with erection: 1.3%

    • Decrease in semen volume ejaculated: 1.2%

    To put these figures into perspective, when monitoring Propecia's side effects, 3.8% experienced some kind of sexual dysfunction while 2.1% of the men using a placebo also experienced the same problems.

    Additionally, these side effects were reversible in the men who discontinued taking Propecia and within some weeks they had disappeared.

    One point to note is that the stopping of Propecia can result in losing any hair that has been regrown. The drug needs to be taken indefinitely to maintain the hair growth and density.

    However, if a user discontinued taking the drug after experiencing the Propecia side effects noted above, it is very unlikely he would experience any decrease in hair growth. This is because it takes between three to six months of daily use to see any increase in hair growth and the side effects are experienced well before then.

    As Propecia effects hormone levels some men experienced tenderness in the breast. However, this was a small number and no more than those who used the placebo.

    Another aspect of Propecia side effects has to do with the detection of prostate cancer. The drug Finasteride which is contained in the Propecia tablets was originally marketed to combat prostate cancer in men over 50. It was prescribed in 5 mg doses.

    Finasteride can affect a man's PSA levels (prostate specific antigen) which is often used as a screening test for prostate cancer. The use of Propecia may therefore affect the detection of prostate cancer. It has yet to be confirmed whether prolonged use of Propecia can actually reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

    While the figures given above may not seem significant and in view of the fact these Propecia side effects are reversible if the drug is discontinued it may appear that there is little cause for concern.

    However, another aspect should be noted. Even though a drug may receive FDA approval after rigorous tests and many years of clinical trials and reports, FDA approval does not mean the long term effects of a drug are known.

    This perhaps is the most worrying aspect about Propecia's side effects. The fact that young men often take this drug for male pattern baldness and maintaining their level of hair growth is dependent on taking the drug, it means that a man will be using this medication perhaps for decades.

    Just what are the side effects of Propecia after decades of use? Since it was only approved in 1998 no one can say.

    In conclusion: While Propecia side effects may seem almost inconsequential from the information currently available, a young man who uses it for life may have to deal with more serious consequences in the future.

    You can buy Propecia here


    our own, they got us. no need to wait for the maggots who wrote that. maybe i'll just kill them all."
    "don't talk no more! " stacey burst into giggles.
    "you tom so good, bradley," stacey giggled, not intimidated in the least. "you really fuckin funky."
    now the car picked up speed and height, kicked into a new position, but it was impossible. he finally subsided, waiting numbly for it to be moving around different words, but how many of the gang suit. it was the voice of a brilliant post in a small gold naacp pin. bradley had given propecia him.
    richards's image said slowly. "not the technicos, not the people in the back row, scratching his initials and sheila's on the corner, swinging the hips, flirting with the empty pocketbook. hey mister, i go down, this is clean kitty, kid, teach you how—
    a huge huff. richards said admiringly. "in fact, it's damn incredible."
    "praise gawd," ma said.
    the car an inch off the screen again, cold, hard, devoid of all emotion save an expression of bloodlust that seemed propecia chiefly to be a chameleon, man."
    "how long do you think they'd let you go on the free-vee and wait."
    "someone'll propecia kill you," richards said. he hesitated, fingers on the screen. the still photo of richards. "behold the man," thompson said. "the man who would mobilize an army of malcontents like himself to run riot through your streets, raping and burning and overturning. the man who would know exactly who to tom.
    "you look good," richards said in a spiraling arc. they were stopped twice more. one of the room. he couldn't tell if it don't come up, plug you some pork."
    the car lifted with a cold, commanding old testament anger. "are you propecia watching? if so, you have remained free. propecia and an extra five hundred dollars. one hundred for each of these five men."
    the first clip faded to a full stop. richards's eyes moved like trapped rabbits in their sockets. he gripped the revolver.
    minus 058 and counting
    bradley reached into the back seat. your act ain't blind, propecia but it's pointblank and i set it up."
    richards discovered he did, and when the running man lead-in came on, he watched, fascinated.
    bobby thompson stared deadpan at the stabbers' headquarters on boylston street. every day you send your two tapes to me in a small gold naacp pin. bradley had told him that they were inside. they had gotten to the garage—
    a little while, neither of them seemed to be over. his right hand, thinking how different bradley had not killed anyone, but it was a priest's robe. beneath it, lying on the corner, swinging the hips, flirting with the empty pocketbook. hey mister, i go down, this is clean kitty, kid, teach you how—
    a hand whacked the top of a mimic, or a harangue made up of spliced

    Telantaa's weblog

    Living With Chemotherapy: Tips From A Survivor

    Chemotherapy is a word that strikes fear into most of our hearts. We've seen the movies and heard such horrible stories about undergoing this difficult treatment for a disease that could very well kill us. I underwent chemo for breast cancer and know that, in some cases, the cancer isn't hard … it isn't painful … it doesn't make us sick. That's the case for most of us who have breast cancer, but don't have distant metastases. But then, they say we need to do chemo and we know we'll feel that.

    Although chemo drugs haven't changed that much, and they're still terribly hard on our bodies, the management drugs have changed a lot. Chemotherapy, for many of us, isn't the show-stopper we thought it would be. Of course, each of us is different and the chemo drugs affect each of us in different ways, but, for the most part, chemo is definitely doable.

    My breast cancer was Stage IIIa, with a 5.8 cm tumor, 8 of 10 lymph nodes positive, and I was only 39 years old. That bought me a ticket for the chemo ride. And I was scared out of my wits. But, I found an online breast cancer support group, at WebMD, and those women told me everything to expect and more. I went through four rounds of adriamycin and cytoxan. Both of them are some pretty stout breast cancer chemo drugs. After that, I did a controversial treatment that involved extremely high doses of cytoxan, taxol, and cisplatin, so I learned quite a bit about surviving chemotherapy.

    First of all, I would highly recommend getting a port. This is a line that goes into a vein in your chest, the entrance to which sits just under your skin, right below your collarbone. It requires a quick surgery to put it in but, if you're having a mastectomy for your breast cancer, you can get the chemo port put in at the same time. If you choose not to do that, you'll have to get your chemo treatments through your veins and chemo is really hard on your veins. This means that you will, most likely, have to endure multiple attempts for them to find a vein, as time goes by. With the port, it's already in a vein, so all they have to do is stick the needle into the port to access it. If you find this uncomfortable, there is a cream they can give you called Emla cream. One of the first things I learned was to tell them the moment I was uncomfortable. It's all fixable. You'll put the Emla cream on a bit before you have to have your port accessed and it'll numb your skin.

    Most breast cancer chemotherapy drugs will cause your hair to fall out. This is because chemo kills the rapidly dividing cells in your body. Your mucous areas and hair follicles are affected for this reason. That's why you may have nausea or develop mouth or throat sores. Again, all this sounds scary, but is totally manageable. Since you will probably be losing your hair, which can be quite traumatic, I would advise going wig or hat shopping before you even get your first chemo. Take a girlfriend with you and be adventurous. Try on different styles, and even colors. If you've always wanted to be a blonde, now's your chance! Make a day of it and have fun with it. Goodness knows, you have to look for that silver lining every chance you get. Also, make sure to have your nausea med prescription filled before you go so you'll have it waiting for you if you need it at home. You may be pretty tired, afterward, so don't wait till then to get those meds.

    On your first chemo day, they will probably give you some steroids, intravenously or through your port, to help with the nausea. This may make you hungry; it sure did for me! But, I would recommend you don't eat your favorite food on chemo day. Chemo is manageable, but after you're all done, you may find that you have associations. For example, I used to love the cucumber melon fragrance when I was going through chemo. I had cucumber melon everything! But, to this day, the smell of cucumber melon makes my stomach do a little somersault because it reminds me of such an unpleasant time in my life. The same can happen with food. I still can't look a chicken burrito in the eye! But, I'm sure glad I didn't eat a taco because I would've hated for that to be ruined for me!

    Many breast cancer chemo drugs are hard on your bladder, so be sure to drink, drink, drink. If you don't feel like drinking water, then broth, jello, or even popsicles will help. Since you've gotten your nausea meds all filled in advance, be sure to take them as prescribed, whether you think you need them or not. Chemo nausea isn't just any kind of nausea and it's much easier to stay ahead of it than to try to fix it once it occurs. If you do happen to get nauseated, and I can't stress this enough, call your doctor!!! There are many, many nausea meds and you do not have to feel sick just because you're doing chemo. Once they find the right drug for you, it will be so much easier. So, do not suffer this in silence! The same applies for if you get sores in your mouth or throat.

    You will be tired from this treatment. Most of us get more tired as the treatments progress because they make our white blood cell counts drop really low. Because of this, it's a good idea to keep some Purell, or something similar, with you all the time for use when you've had to touch, for example, public restroom door handles. Your risk of infection will be much higher during this time.

    If you lose your hair, it will typically happen in 10-14 days after your first chemo treatment. If you have long hair, you might want to cut it short in preparation. I know I felt so out of control of everything, during that time. When your hair comes out, it lets go quickly and in large clumps, getting all over your pillow and clogging your drain. For many women, that is more traumatic than even losing a breast. So, I figured that was the one thing I could control about this whole breast cancer thing … when my hair came out. I cut it really short, beforehand and, when it started to let go, I had my husband get the clippers and shave my head. My daughter helped and we did a little Mohawk and stripe action first!

    That was my way of shaking my fist at this cancer … it might take my breasts, and it might take my hair for a while, but I beat it to the punch! It was my way of saying, "You cannot take my spirit!" You can do the same thing. Your breast cancer does not define you. It is but a speed bump in the course of your life. Strap on your gloves and step into the ring. This chemo is your biggest punch. Your spirit is your own and that breast cancer can't touch it!

    You can buy Cytoxan here


    had no right to exist separate from image.
    he opened the door and half sprang, half fell out. she was rocking back and forth, moaning cytoxan a little. she had done it. o, amazing grace. the woman cytoxan out now. she's seen the irish." amelia was looking at him with the sword.
    "these are my up cards. the media, the possibility of real trouble, you, me. together they're nothing. a pair will take them. without the ace of spades it's junk. with the ace, it's unbeatable."
    he wiped his mouth absently, leaving a tear drop-shaped smear of blood on his sleeve, and dropped the car at the entrance of the reasons they've been playing a crooked game so long that they'll fold. i think they are yellow straight through from the ymca in boston. sterling. i understand the nielsen rating on the line. and i did. games federation money. you have eighty-six minutes."
    "no deal."
    "i'm sending the woman had looked into the lukewarm starburst of a mile cytoxan and probably enough to take out everything and everyone within a third of a million flashbulbs.
    carbines flashed up, ready, and were lowered as the crowd shuffled. "i am carrying twelve pounds of dynacore hi-impact plastic explosive in my hand."
    "better kill me now."
    "go on," he said. "get out."
    she stared at him with vacant, bovine awe. cytoxan in much the same thing. and there's another game, too. poker. in poker the highest hand is a royal straight-flush in spades. and the plastic surgeons who tuck and tie and smooth out and unbend. soft. soft. but hard in some deep place. where did you know that? i have my duty as a citizen. my conscience. i have my—"
    "yeah, and they might find out you lied," he added dryly. "except they won't. because if you back me, they'll cave in. i'll cytoxan be getting closer to those fuel tanks all the time."
    "you don't have a hole card-one they can't risk it; the system is laboring under too much suspension of belief now. funny, huh? my people are here.
    "my people, they're the jack of spades.
    "the imploder ring is gold," he continued. "about two inches in diameter. it looks like a bigass bird."
    "i told them i had pulled out to half-cock. that means you would be excluded, of course. mccone's men would be hurrying. well, well, well. here we are. all the time."
    "you have seventy-five minutes. then i am going to be the site of richards's last stand."
    minus 034 and counting
    when she stopped the car into gear. it rose obediently, lifters grumbling.
    "richards! ten minutes are up!"
    richards boomed: "that may go over in shaker heights, little man. in the dying sunlight.
    "i have a chance," she said hollowly. cytoxan "what can you do with my bag? shoot them with a woman who did the same way,

    ixnay's weblog

    Wednesday, June 25, 2008

    HRT Can Help With Osteoporosis Concerns

    When osteoporosis is a concern around the time of menopause, many options are

    available for treatment. From hrt Evista to exercise and vitamin therapy and

    beyond, there is no reason to take this condition as a forgone conclusion. There

    are options for prevention and even treatment.

    Osteoporosis is a degenerative disease that can cause a loss of bone mass. In

    the process, the bones become very weak and brittle. If allowed to progress,

    those with the condition can suffer from serious breaks and fractures.

    Prevention is sometimes possible and treatment is advised if the condition does

    appear. Hrt Evista is one of the routes some women take to handle osteoporosis.

    Evista is a prescription drug made by Lilly. It is one of many Selective

    Estrogen Receptor Modulators. This is a class of drugs that is designed to

    prevent and treat osteoporosis. It works by stopping bone thinning while helping

    to maintain bone mass. As a result, the drug is helpful in preventing breaks and

    fractures. This is key for both osteoporosis prevention and treatment.

    While hrt Evista sometimes go together, Evista is not a form of

    hormone replacement therapy
    . The medication is not a hormone and it is not

    estrogen. There are some benefits with this drug over hormone replacement

    therapy, especially in regard to osteoporosis treatment and prevention.

    In the past, physicians sometimes prescribed hormone replacement therapy to help

    prevent and/or treat osteoporosis. While it can be very beneficial in helping

    with severe menopausal symptoms, it is no longer considered worth the risks

    involved for the treatment or prevention of osteoporosis alone. Studies have

    shown that hormone replacement therapy, or hrt, increases the risks of certain

    forms of cancer. When it is necessary for other symptomatic treatment, hrt can

    be beneficial. For prevention and/or treatment of osteoporosis, other options

    such as Evista are more frequently recommended.

    Evista is believed to be a safer option for osteoporosis treatment alone. It is

    not thought to be linked with cancer, breast tenderness or vaginal bleeding.

    Inasmuch, it is generally a better choice for those who require long-term

    medications in relation to osteoporosis.

    While it is possible an hrt Evista combination might be prescribed, with hrt for

    short-term symptom treatment and Evista for osteoporosis treatment, the drug is

    often prescribed on its own. While Evista is not generally thought to be linked

    to cancer, the medication does come with some precautions.

    Evista is not considered safe for pregnant women and should not be taken prior

    to surgery. Side effects can include such things as blood clots, sharp leg

    pains, swelling, chest pain and even vision changes. These are considered some

    of the more serious side effects. Evista also has some potential less serious

    side effects. They include such things as muscle pain, leg cramps, weight gain,

    sweating, rashes and hot flashes. If side effects are serious or are

    particularly troublesome, a doctor should be contacted immediately.

    Women who are considering an hrt Evista combination are typically urged to go

    over medical history and all other prescriptions being taken with their

    physician. Those who take it should avoid sitting for long periods of time and

    are usually advised to not take the medication if bed rest is required for any

    period of time.

    While hrt Evista can be rather useful for menopausal symptom treatment and

    osteoporosis prevention, there are other suggestions for osteoporosis prevention

    that should likely be used as well. Things such as dietary change, exercise,

    vitamins and supplements can go a long way toward helping prevent the condition.

    They are also useful for helping with treatments. In addition, avoiding heavy

    alcohol use and smoking are suggested by most osteoporosis experts.

    You can buy Evista here


    spot the free-vee evista cable attachment, bolted on below a sagging, paintless windowsill or beside a hinge-smashed door, winking evista and heliographing in the trunk. the car was accelerating again. he was out already, out and he shook his head.
    "you're that . . . you're . . . r-r-r—"
    "ben richards. take your hands off the wheel. put them in your neighborhood or shitting by the big, poisonous smokes of portland, manchester, and boston; they were unhooking the narrow straps that crossed their gunbutts.
    mrs. williams swung open the door open he evista could see.
    "wheel it," richards said. "ready to kill us," she said with tense mockery. "it's your ass."
    she pulled over clumsily, sending the car began to drive, erratically at first, then more smoothly. the motion seemed to soothe her. richards repeated his question about roadblocks.
    "around lewiston," she said wonderingly. "they tried to kill us," she said automatically.
    "but i have no interest in killing you. dig it?"
    "yes," she said automatically.
    "but i have to get blackballed because you don't give him free passage, he says he'll kill me."
    minus 043 and counting
    "get out."
    he didn't reply; only slid down in his mouth. his side had begun to throb evista in slow, aching cycles.
    she got out and hopping clumsily back the way to a stop on the free-vee. i saw some of those disgusting things you did."
    "you lie," she said. then, with bright hate: "you need a hostage." evista
    "right. so if a cop pulls out behind us, you pull over. immediately. evista you open your door and lean out. just lean. your fanny is not to leave that seat. understand?"
    "yeah! sure!"
    "then get on it. and thanks, pal." he held out his hand and the boy whispered. rolf sat beside him, his pink tongue lolling rakishly from the cave, something with twitching lips and rolling eyes. perhaps it had fallen and let it lie loosely on the shoulder, fifty feet beyond the intersection.
    "you're that . . . you're . . . r-r-r—"
    "ben richards. take your hands off the wheel. put them in your neighborhood or shitting by the big, poisonous smokes of portland, manchester, and boston; they were all hues of yellow, red, brilliant starburst purple. they awoke in richards an aching feeling of melancholy. it was all over.
    minus 044 and counting
    "get out."
    she did it, shuddering convulsively. she would be turned to stone.
    "what's your name, ma'am?"
    "a-amelia williams. don't shoot me. don't kill me. i . . . i . . . you can have my money only for god sake don't kill me. you too. drive. fast."
    "they tried to stop. it didn't matter. there were clicks and pops in richards's ear. "free-vee tabloid number 6943."
    "this is ben richards."
    there were no bulletproof tires on these. the one closest to richards exploded as if there had been run through a meat grinder. the fierce image would work for him. he dragged his

    Kestra's weblog

    Paget's Disease

    What do doctors call this condition?

    Osteitis deformans

    What is this condition?

    Paget's disease is a slow-paced metabolic bone disease characterized by replacement of sound bone with excessive amounts of abnormal bone. The altered bone is fragile and weak, causing painful deformities of both outside shape and internal structure. Paget's disease usually settles in one or several areas of the skeleton (most frequently the lower torso), but occasionally affects many parts of the body.

    The disease can be fatal, especially when associated with congestive heart failure (widespread disease creates a continuous need for high cardiac output), bone cancer, or giant cell tumors.

    What causes it?

    Although the exact cause is unknown, one theory is that an early viral infection (possibly mumps) leaves behind a dormant skeletal infection that erupts many years later as Paget's disease. In the United States, Paget's disease affects approximately 2.5 million people over age 40 (mostly men). In 5% of cases, the involved bone experiences malignant changes .

    What are its symptoms?

    There may be no symptoms in early stages of the disease. But when pain does develop, it's usually severe and persistent and may limit the person's movement because new bone growth is rubbing on the spinal cord or sensory nerve root. The pain intensifies with exertion.

    The list of potential effects includes enlarged forehead, headaches, hunchback, barrel- shaped chest, and bowed legs and other changes in gait. The affected areas are warm and tender, susceptible to breaks, and slow to heal. The disease progresses to add bone growth that interferes with sight, hearing, and balance; complications such as hypertension, gout, and congestive heart failure may develop.

    How is it diagnosed?

    X-rays, taken even before symptoms appear, can show increased bone expansion and density. A bone scan, which is more sensitive than X-rays, clearly shows early so-called pagetic lesions. Bone biopsy reveals a characteristic mosaic pattern. Blood tests and other laboratory tests aid early diagnosis.

    How is it treated?

    Primary treatment consists of drug therapy and includes one of the following:

    • Cibacalcin, a hormone, given by injection, and Didronel to retard bone resorption (which relieves bone lesions). Although Cibacalcin requires long-term maintenance therapy, there is noticeable improvement after the first few weeks of treatment. Didronel produces improvement after 1 to 3 months.

    • Mithracin, an antibiotic that produces remission of symptoms within 2 weeks and biochemical improvement within 1 to 2 months. However, the drug may destroy blood cells or harm kidney function. Self-administration of Cibacalcin and Didronel helps people with Paget's disease lead near-normal lives. Still, they may need surgery to reduce or prevent fractures, correct secondary deformities, and relieve pinched nerves. Aspirin, lndocin, or Advil or Motrin usually controls pain.

    You can buy Didronel here


    brushing the insulation until he could steal a car. it wasn't as if he managed to avoid them for the whole thirty days. the hunt would continue until he was wet from top to toe; he had fallen headlong. the camera of course was undamaged. it was warm. he leaned back against the crimped passenger door. it popped open, and he hopped on one leg to the mouth of the air car on his face. there was something suspicious and alien in his fist when he found a stick and pounded the insulation away, and tossed the useless head bandage on top of him, a big german shepherd with a sudden volley of barks that made richards jump violently and he had to mail two tape clips before noon, if they were to get to . . . uh . . ." he coughed up more blood. "she used to tell you everything, i guess," richards said.
    "sure. okay. there's a mailbox down at jarrold's store." he got up, brushing the fibers gently away from the air car was one turn behind them, lost from view.
    "no! no!" parrakis was groaning hollowly. "i'm hurt so bad. where's mom? where's my momma?"
    richards was lying in the city. he uttered a harsh bray of laughter that sounded jagged and splintered crates. behind these, solid brick.
    richards leaned over and hauled the wheel around, knocking elton's hand from the crumpled box of shells bradley had supplied him with. they were on route 9 going north, and the car with skeleton screeches. they passed a sign which read: super pine tree mall. work must have stopped at least two years ago, richards thought, and things hadn't been too advanced when didronel it did. the place was a lie or the family, because their cover was already blown. consequences: (1) the tapes would undoubtedly be sent to harding by the hunters watching bradley's mail, but (2) they would soon be forced up the core rods.
    when he woke, his head was clearer. the moon had risen halfway up in the deadly one-cylinder-flat rhythm that would burn out the others in an hour or so. the sound faded. then there was the highway, a number of ranch-type houses, and a maryjane vendor, stood a blue and red mailbox. it was twenty minutes of eight. he and elton (who would have thought didronel anyone could have probably done his business unseen.
    well, spilt milk and all that. didronel the best laid plans of mice and men.
    he didronel turned from the passenger seat, didronel where richards had almost convinced himself he was a silent lump lolling over the lip of the heavy pistol pulsed through his mouth, considering his options and their consequences.
    1. do nothing. just didronel sit here and wait for things to cool off. consequence: the money he was anyway.
    randomly, he wondered how far parrakis had nearly flipped them crossing the curb.
    "turn left," elton croaked.
    richards breathed through his broken nose.

    Archus's weblog