Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Insomnia in Children and Women and Various Prescribed Medicines ...

While insomnia prevails among a notable proportion of adults, children too suffer from sleep disorders. Insomnia in children is characterized by signs of wakefulness or restlessness daily at night, irritability or heaviness on waking from sleep, mood swings, lack of concentration, and unusual difficulty with remembering.

Causes of Insomnia in Children

In children, the causes of insomnia are generally more easy to work out that in grown ups. If your child suffers from any of the symptoms listed above, look for any one or more of these causes that usually cause insomnia in children: stress, diet, anxiety, fear, physical problems (constipation, pain etc.), and disturbed routine (watching TV late in the night, over use of computer, video games etc.)

Insomnia in Women

A good number of women suffer from insomnia in early pregnancy. Insomnia In Early Pregnancy Is Mostly Caused By Discomfort And Anxiety. Most people attribute the insomnia in early pregnancy to the hormonal imbalances - while in some cases this would be true, there are plenty instances where the insomnia in early pregnancy is caused by the excitement and anxiety of being pregnant. . To counteract the problem, you will have to consult a doctor since self medication would be contraindicated once you are confirmed to be pregnant.

Insomnia during Pregnancy

Studies have found that about 78 % of pregnant women suffer from insomnia for varying durations. However, physicians believe that insomnia during pregnancy is normal and not dangerous to the infant's health. A number of reasons account for sleeping difficulties encountered during pregnancy. In many cases, the growing size of the abdomen is the main cause of sleeplessness. Pressure eon the bladder caused by increased size of the abdomen makes it necessary to urinate several times during the night. The pregnant woman feels trouble with finding a comfortable position for sleeping. Feeling the baby's movement can also cause waking up at night. Heartburn and back pain are two main physical problems that cause insomnia during pregnancy. There might be aching in the hips, causing discomfort. Hormonal changes and psychological conditions like anxiety and/or depression are other main causes of sleeplessness.

Coping With Insomnia during Pregnancy

The first thing to do is to prevent you from getting overly anxious, just looking at the time and worrying about sleep. Taking a warm bath, before going to bed, brings comfort and relaxes you to sleep. Relaxation exercises like yoga and meditation etc. are helpful in relieving anxiety and bringing sleep. You can also ask your partner for a massage. Take plenty of exercise during the day or in the evening but not too close to bedtime. Exercise will make you tired and hence drive you to sleep. Also try to avoid taking naps in the day. If you get up several times to urinate during the course of the night, take fewer fluids after 4 pm. Also avoid taking caffeine drinks in the evening. Their stimulating effect is a sleep antagonist. Keep the temperature of the bedroom at a comfortable level. Keep the window open for fresh air to reach you. Use additional blankets to keep you warm if the room feels cold.

Menopause and Insomnia in Women

Women going through their menopause frequently suffer from insomnia. Menopause and insomnia co-occur due to the reduction and imbalance of hormones associated with menopause. The resulting stress, anxiety, and depression deprive the menopausal woman of sleep. Accompanying these sleep disturbances are hot flashes and sweats that are the characteristic symptoms of menopause.

Treatment for Menopausal Insomnia

Insomnia is treated in a variety of ways like prescribed medications, herbal formulas, relaxation techniques, exercises, psychological treatment (if anxiety or depression are the main cause), lifestyle changes, home remedies and nutrition etc. For menopause and insomnia co-occurring, hormone replacement therapy is also used. However, it is not effective in all women and different women going through menopause respond differently to this therapy. When the body's hormonal imbalance settles down by itself, the insomnia associated with it also disappears.

Various Prescribed Medicines for Insomnia

Trazodone is an antidepressant available in the drug market under the brand name Desyrel or Desyrel Dividose. Besides treating depression, loss of motivation for daily activities, and other symptoms, Trazodone is frequently prescribed for treating symptoms of insomnia.

Over the years, lexapro and insomnia have been connected together because of the fact that most people who have taken this drug ends up suffering from insomnia. According to experts, lexapro is one of the most effective drugs for treating depression especially in children and adolescents. Unfortunately, lexapro and insomnia seem to have become so closely associated that when you think of lexapro and insomnia, you immediately associate it with cause and effect where lexapro becomes the cause of insomnia.

Melatonin is a hormone that the body produces naturally. It is also a powerful antioxidant. Melatonin is reported to help to have a sedative effect on the body, helping to induce sleep in many. It is non-toxic and no side effects have been officially reported while using this therapy. Using melatonin for insomnia is a fairly well-known practice in society.

Prozac is certain type of medicine that is commonly used to treat depression in people. As an anti-depressant, prozac is rather effective and is said to be very good in helping people with anxiety disorders and eating disorders. However, the bad news about prozac is that it can have some serious side effects including insomnia.

You can buy Desyrel here


she'll wonder where her mommy is."
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"you won't, though."
richards waited.
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it was all going

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