Thursday, June 12, 2008

Candidiasis Yeast Infection Symptoms

A candidiasis yeast infection is common in women and is caused by a fungus. This fungus is called Candida Albicans, which explains where the yeast infection got its name. Normally, a yeast infection is located around the vagina, but it can be found in other moist parts of the body as well. Yeast is something that is produced naturally by the body in the vagina and rectum area. Occasionally, the yeast will begin to grow too fast and this is what causes a candidiasis yeast infection to develop. Taking antibiotics for an extended amount of time can also cause this infection along with medical conditions, birth control pills, being pregnant and menopause.

Some signs that might indicate you have a candidiasis yeast infection include noticing pain or a burning feeling when trying to urinate. The area around the vulva can be sore, red and itchy. Some women experience a white pasty discharge that is very thick. Keep in mind that it is possible to not have any symptoms and still have a yeast infection. If the lining of the mouth is red and sore then it is possible you have a mouth yeast infection. Sometimes creamy yellow sores will also appear. Symptoms of a yeast infection on the skin include a red itchy rash with small red colored bumps on the skin.

When you are certain that you have a candidiasis yeast infection then you need to start treatment as soon as possible to clear up this condition. If you are not sure of what you have or if this is the first time that you have noticed any symptoms make sure that you see your doctor before taking medication. Your doctor may prescribe you with a prescription medicine or you may be able to use a non-prescription medicine. The most commonly used are Mycelex-7, Monistat-7, FemCare and Gyne-Lotrimin. You can also buy suppositories and vaginal creams designed for this condition. Occasionally, you may be given an antifungal oral medication by your doctor to help clear up the infection.

A candidiasis yeast infection can normally be cleared up within a week to ten days after beginning your treatment. Make sure that you avoid sex during this time. You don't want to keep spreading the infection around. If you are interested in avoiding a yeast infection all together, then here are a few suggestions that you might find useful. If taken for long periods of time antibiotics can cause a yeast infection so avoid this if possible. Wearing clothes that are to tight or that are damp should also be avoided. Do not douche too often and take very few bubble baths.

You can buy Femcare here


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minus 034 and counting
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minus 032 and counting
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no answer; she wept and moaned and rocked.
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minus 036 and counting
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minus 036 and counting
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darkcow's weblog

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