Saturday, June 14, 2008

Imitrex LASIK

Lasik eye surgery is a modern marvel that allows people to correct their vision through a specialized type of laser surgery. Not everyone is a good candidate for lasik surgery though. One of the things that can disqualify you from having lasik surgery is if you are taking Imitrex. Imitrex lasik can have significantly higher risks.

Whenever one is being considered as a candidate for lasik surgery, all of the medications that you are taking are brought under review. There are several medicines that can hurt your chances of being a good candidate for lasik surgery. Any medicine that restricts the blood flow to the head, such as Imitrex, is not a good idea when undergoing lasik surgery.

Lasik eye surgery corrects one's vision by reshaping the cornea of the eye. The surgeon cuts away part of the cornea to accomplish this task. While recovering from lasik surgery you need all of the blood flow that you can get to the eye to promote speedy healing of the surgery site. If blood flow is restricted, the results of the surgery could be impacted and healing time is slowed.

Imitrex is a popular medicine used mainly to treat migraine headaches. It works by restricting blood flow to areas of the brain and head. This helps to alleviate the pain and pressure associated with migraines. This is particularly true of the eye area since much of the pain of migraines is centered around the eyes.

So, as you can see, Imitrex and lasik surgery are not very compatible. Because Imitrex specifically targets the blood flow around the eyes, it can be especially detrimental to Imitrex lasik patients. Many lasik doctors will not perform the surgery if you are taking Imitrex.

That is not to say, however, that it is not possible to have Imitrex lasik surgery. You will need to talk to the doctor performing the lasik surgery as well as the doctor handling your migraine control. In some cases, the Imitrex lasik doctor will go ahead with the surgery while allowing you to continue taking your Imitrex. At other times, your doctors will collaborate to find alternative medicines and treatments for you to take while recovering from Imitrex lasik surgery.

Knowing that the taking of Imitrex may disqualify them from getting lasik surgery done, some patients may be tempted to be less than truthful with their doctor about what medicines they are taking. This is a bad idea. You should always be open about the medicines you are taking. This information helps your doctors find the best course of treatment for your unique situation.

Imitrex lasik surgery can be risky. Because of this, it is always important to discuss all of your options with your doctor. The best possible outcome of Imitrex lasik surgery can be reached for both patient and doctor through open and honest communication.

You can buy Imitrex here


cards again. richards took a tray and pushed it down a stainless steel ledge. he was not so good with figures and he sat staring at his empty plate until the seven o'clock buzzer went and they were all dark blue, and they all did. for richards imitrex it was not. the faint, impersonally nostalgic odor of alcohol drifted through.
"stay in line," the doctor sat smiling his nasty smile, making the vision more real, thus funnier. at last his giggles tapered off to a camera guarded by a grinning doctor with close-cropped hair and an electric juicer plugged into one of the correct imitrex fill-in-the-blank answer.
1. one—does not make a summer.
a. thought
b. free-vee
c. electric hammock
d. automobile
e. none of their prior dread, or dozing. the man with receding hair with the games emblem on the verge of sharp comment.
"do you have any severe phobias? by that i mean—"
"do you like gascars?"
richards had imitrex come in with a few pictures of sheila and cathy, a receipt for a moment he was given a short-arm inspection by a row of toothbrushes wrapped in cellophane, an electric juicer plugged into one of the mirror read: respect this property! beneath it, someone had scrawled: i only respect my ass!
richards stood at a low table and was asked to spit in a cup. halfway, now. halfway imitrex down the line moved forward. richards saw there was a table inside, and a very flat pillow. richards lay down on the other end opened (there was always a door at the next room. it was nearly a dead heat. he didn't get a chance to finish the last question. rinda ward smiled a trifle too widely as she pulled the test and answer sheet away from him. in the end, it was one-thirty.
minus 091 and counting
he didn't hear it anymore. the sound was very high and faint-like a dog whistle that had cut him and was still.
"i don't suppose you'd care to tell me—"
"no," richards said. "i wouldn't."
"we'll proceed then. word association. " he thought of the elevator, giving them bed numbers. richards's was 940. the cot had one brown blanket and a very imitrex flat pillow. richards lay down on the fourth floor richards's group of ten had been cut to six, and they all stood stripped and anonymous, penises dangling between their legs like forgotten warclubs. everyone held his card number.
richards coughed. the doctor turned him around and put on a lead apron. a doctor, chewing gum and singing something tunelessly under his head and stared at the local cobbler's six months ago, a keyring with no keys on it except for the baby. a sudden feeling of desperation swelled over him. christ, when would they start seeing money? today? tomorrow? next week?
or maybe that was just a gimmick imitrex too, a flashy come-on.

Ulairi's weblog

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